






Apocalyptic Musings

Imagine the world were to end,

Imagine there be no sunrise again,

Imagine your loved ones die,

Imagine you cry.

Imagine your last moments,

Before death surges, 83 MORE WORDS


Universal Wisdom

You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Anybody else have 3D living-color dreams that make about as much sense as a tyrannosaurus in a tutu?241 MORE WORDS


Two Servants at the End of the Age

Matthew 24:45-51 – “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?  1,449 MORE WORDS

The Man Who Broke into my Bombshelter

A rusty can of faded labeled food stuffs crashes to the floor.

It wakes me and I think, what day is it? 648 MORE WORDS

United States

What is “Good” Water?

I have lived in Alaska pretty much all of my life. I was born and raised here. I’ve traveled, but this has always been home base. 283 MORE WORDS

Common Sense

The End is Near (and we deserve it) . . . Bacon Deodorant

Bacon Deodorant

Ah, the smell of bacon in the morning!

For the rest of the Mashup and the Campaign Style Question of the Week, come on over to our new site, and remember to subscribe when you get there.22 MORE WORDS


Ice Trap




NARA, a rough woman in her twenties, rides TYRAN, a
biologically altered bear combined with a goat. 740 MORE WORDS





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Are You a F*cking Feminist? [Lady Bits]

Last week, Kelly Clarkson confused a lot of people by saying that she’s not a feminist. Actually, it wasn’t Kelly’s denial of feminism that confused people.543 MORE WORDS


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7 Weird Celebrity Beauty Secrets to Try

I love learning new beauty tips, especially from celebrities! They’ve got the highest pay grades, but oftentimes are still using simple things from the grocery store to make them look amazing, and I love hearing all about it! 105 MORE WORDS


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Ask the Instructor: It’s Your Chance to Ask All Your Burning Fitness Questions

What’s the best workout to target my inner thighs? Will I build up muscle by upping the particular weights I use? Am I even doing this right? 158 MORE WORDS


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16 Cats That Totally Look Smarter Than Me

People thought I was dumb until I was around thirteen and they realized I had attention deficit disorder or ADD. Before then I was a scattered brained mess, failing all of my classes and getting so distracted I’d wonder off from the playground as a kid and make my parents nervous. 66 MORE WORDS


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Have You Signed Up With Sumpto Yet? Become a College Influencer and Win Stuff!

Earlier this week we told you about one of our new favorite sites, Sumpto. They’re an online community that measures how influential college students are by gauging their social media outreach within the context of other college students. 118 MORE WORDS


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How My First Friends With Benefits Relationship Taught Me There Really Aren’t Any Benefits

A few months ago my friends and I were just relaxing, watching movies, eating junk food and reading magazines. I was reading through Glamour and stumbled upon an article that explained… 1,193 MORE WORDS


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10 Post-Sex Snacks For Dignified Adults

Reading Buzzfeed’s definitive ranking of foods to eat after sex, made us feel, well, nostalgic for our younger years. Once upon a time it was nice to eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey post-coitus, back when our metabolisms burned it off like it was nothing. 85 MORE WORDS


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Single Girl Myths Debunked, Vol. II [Diary of the Undateable]

I’m super shy. Like tremendously so. I’m an awkward, soft-spoken introvert that doesn’t even like making eye contact. I have tunnel vision whenever I’m walking on campus or around the city – I just keep to myself, looking straight ahead or at my handy-dandy iPhone. 508 MORE WORDS


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3 Amazing Drugstore High-End Makeup Dupes

I am a serial drug store shopper. I love buying all different make up products from the drugstore, and very rarely do I splurge on things at Sephora or Mac because I don’t see the need when I can great equivalents at my local Walgreens…also I’m a poor college student. 81 MORE WORDS


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Very Important Poll: Hey Arnold or Recess?

This poll is more important than the great *Nsync versus Backstreet Boys debate, it supersedes the polarizing results of Britney versus Christina Aguilera, the results will be more historically relevant than The Cold War. 558 MORE WORDS
